Hey peeps!
I just wanted to pop up a post to say that I’m working hell for leather to get this hectic summers albums drafted & images turned around for clients, so I’ve been a tad slack on the blog. But I’ve all sorts of fun stuff in the pipes to show y’all; including the following:
3 Sunday Services worth of gig snaps (coming soon)
Gary Stewart’s album launch, last week
Highlights from Sicily ages ago (that somehow never made the blog)
Not entirely sure how this justifies posting a holiday snap of me givin’ it gut-out superman, but hey.
A Leeds Guide cover after shooting the Live at Leeds festival
and perhaps most excitingly, a music video 3B Media shot and are working on for a band called Cities Between Us…
Those, my friends, are called teasers. My humblest apologies for neglecting the blog while I get on top of the workflow.
Stay tuned!