August is a funny time for us wedding togs.  I was just reading a bit of shootsac chat from the lovely Jessica Claire saying that August for her has increasingly become about balancing balancing fun and responsibility.  She’s so right; and without being careful, summer can suddenly pass, sometimes literally, in a flash and you stumble into October, dazed & confused.  I’ve always been someone who tries to squeeze a whole variety of work in, like filling a jar with stones, and pouring fun stuff in on top, like sand, to fill the spaces.  There’s generally more time in there that imagined when you pack it in.  For me, it’s all about mixing up weddings, gigs, urbEx, photographing pals I meet, magazine shoots, rock festivals, random commissions, weekend breaks and exciting photo days out with close photographic comrades.

Doing stuff like this, for example:

Flash Day! © Barnaby Aldrick 2009

You may remember our ‘Flash Day’ (check the blog here), where Rob Booker, Phil Barber & I rounded up 4 game models from on Model Mayhem and asked along an ace make-up artist Katy Padam our pal Cris Matthews to shoot video on his 5DmkII. We all had a ball and caught all sorts of great stuff, learning & teaching one other on how to get ultimate high-end, high street fashion images with studio heads on location.

We’ve been trying to embrace video in the way our buddies overseas like David Jay, Becker & Gene Higa do, and in the style of the funky behind the scenes vids Chase Jarvis does, Rob’s chopped Cris’s mkII footage into this puppy…

Note: HD option on screen, for those who take it super crispy.

Video is such a cool way to show what we do and how much we enjoy doing it.  Rob’s got the Final Cut edit skills, eh?!  Thanks again to Cris for the tasty footage!  Check his edit here: For Phil’s take on our 3B adventure click here & Robs epic flash day blog here.

The Booker, Barber & I’ve met a few times since and are bringing forth a brainchild called 3B Media, an umbrella under which we can create more varied media, bring together our skill sets & teach.  3B Media are planning to do some workshops in January 2010, so if you’d like to come along to one, do let me know with ideas on the sort of stuff you’d like to learn. More on that anon.

It’s been a busy weekend for me, down in London, doing 2 pre-wed meets, catching various cool pals for great wine & table-size pizza.

I hope you enjoyed our behind-the-scenes vid & I’ll post again soon with more fun I’ve been up to!

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