It’s been pre-wed central at BAWP HQ these past weeks, meeting clients to talk through their big day and loosen them up in front of the camera.
One of my latest victims was good pals Kelly & Peter who are getting married soon at Fountains Hall at Fountains Abbey near Ripon…
It was blazing sunshine throughout logistical discussions and the moment I switched my camera on, it began to drizzle!
Good ol’ England. Mother Nature knows too much…
The pressure was on, as Peter Boyd is in fact a photographer himself. Â He even kindly guested as 2nd shooter at one of my weddings a few weeks back.
But they were great sports. Â The above shot shows the Boyd independent eyebrow lift, and Kelly sort of cheating.
Inside Fountains Hall was a weird set of mannequins…
…so we pinched their hats!
This one’s probably my fave from the shoot. Â I love the soft backlighting and relaxed snog.
This spot, down in the ruins of Fountains Abbey itself, is pretty much where Mr B proposed to Kelly – hence the wedding here!
There’s a grand vaulted room at Fountains Abbey called the cellarium (pics in Dave & Erica’s pre-wed post here), and while Pete & Kelly waited for me to select a lens, I spotted them playing pattercake.
I like this one for the sheer scale of these old Abbeys. Â Plus that tree is kinda cool.
A bit of piggy baction!
Some kung fu fighting.
A cheeky f1.6 portrait – I love how they pop against the background.
… and a bit of fun outside the hall.
Kelly and Pete were great fun to shoot, and it was actually great photographing photographers who had an idea what they were after and weren’t afraid to mess about to achieve fun pics.  I can’t wait to join them for their big day real soon!