I was recently asked by a thespian pal of mine if I fancied joining her and some actorly pals to shoot some promo pix for a new play they’ve coming up.
It’s entitled ‘Memories of Water’ and is apparently about some estranged sisters who are drawn home after a death in the family, and they don’t get on and all remembered their pasts differently.
If you could take a photo of that, that’d be lovely. That was my brief.
Set by this joker. We call her She Rah. Nothing like making life difficult.
We hooked up at Roundhay Park, under glorious sun, and I started with a safe shot, of potentially estranged sisters by water.
Not messing about there eh?
I tried a touch of out of focus blur.
Or I may have miss-focused, but don’t tell anyone.
I left loads of space around to add text on this one if need be
Selective depth of field.
One of the girls had a phobia of birds and butterfly. That’s a choice, overarching selection of fears right there.
More blurry fun. It makes a change to get to use these ones!
I quite like the fact that half the sky was grey and half blue. If you’re all arty & that you could interpret that all arty and that.
And this was the one the director liked. I spose it’s open to interpretation.
But there we are. An afternoon hangin out & being creative with actor ladies is not an afternoon misspent.
ps. If I can get hold of a copy of the final brochure I’ll blog it here.