It’s Mother’s Day! And that’s me mam above! What a star.
I’d like to wish her a very happy day indeed.
We’re just been prepping a nice roast topside of Beef for a special mother’s day lunch, with Yorkshire puddings & all the trimmings.
My bro Murray’s driving her over so she can drink some fun sparkly bubbles we bought with actual gold flecks in it! It’s tacky as hell, but we couldn’t resist.
But as she reads my blog, I’d like to take this op to thank my mum for her boundless support and eternal backing. She’s always been my greatest fan and has encouraged me to get involved and take risks. She’s strong, brave & fun. We’ve got similar attitudes really; sharing the ethos of “You’ll never discover new oceans if you don’t have courage to leave sight of the shore”. But mustering the confidence to do if easier if strong foundations have been laid.
Rewind to when I were a wee lad, one snowy winter morning: Mum’s busy multi-tasking her way through a Sunday lunch, and as it was generally unwise getting under her feet, I nipped outside with my pad & pencil and drew a snowdrop I found poking out of the deep snow. I brought it inside to show her and she stops what she’s doing and sees my (probably pretty bad) drawing. “Barnaby, you’re an artist!” she said.
I genuinely wouldn’t be the person I am today without her.
*Raises glass*… Jane Aldrick!
[ps. Please excuse my shirt]