Yesterday I hooked up with Laura & Josh to photograph their big day
In my opinion, there’s no place quite like the Yorkshire Dales when the sun’s out and these guys were blessed with cracking wedding weather.
The day was hosted at Taitlands, just outside Settle in the rolling Yorkshire Dales, which served as a splendid place for Laura, Josh & their crew to have a fantastic day.
There’s a fascinating history to Taitlands – built in 1831 and taking no less than 17 years to complete – for Thomas Joseph Redmayne, a mysterious, wealthy industrialist with aspirations towards becoming one of the landed gentry. After his death, the house changed hands a number of times before becoming a Youth Hostel for many years.
Following streamlining of the YHA’s properties, Taitlands was purchased in 2007 by Emma Milligan who restored the Grade II listed building to its former glory; and opened it’s doors to hosting weddings in March this year!
Through the magnificent hallway & up the huge sweeping staircase…
…I joined Laura & the bridal party for the preparations
Here’s the lady of the hour, having her hair put up!Taitlands wasn’t short on interesting places to hang Laura’s beautiful wedding gown!
Funky bridal shoes!
I not only love a bride that wears fun shoes (even one who accuses me of having a worrying shoe fetish!), but one who wears a knee-length dress so she can be more mobile for pics is a WINNER in my book!
Soon to become Mrs White, I loved her ‘Mrs White’ Cluedo cutout!
Top flora!
I was also thinking to myself the other day, while admiring another photographers images of a bride in a net hair veil, that I don’t think I’ve ever photographed a bride in one. Then guess what? Next wedding – cheeky net veil action! Happy days. Again, they’re not only totally cool, but so much more practical in wind and the wearer doesn’t spend all day having her head ripped back when people hug & tug it!
Laura clearly wasn’t messing aboutMeanwhile, over in Settle, Clare joined Josh for the chap’s side of the story
Suits were out & ready to playTeam Groom assemble.
After seeing this I thought Josh’s cufflinks were L&R for ‘left’ & ‘right’ – useful for the forgetful on roundabouts and such – but with L being on his right arm (less useful on roundabouts!), I asked Clare and it was L&J for Laura & Josh. Much clearer.
Josh seemed a smart enough lad to be safe on roundabouts
Speaking of driving, Josh has the most amazing vintage Hillman Imp (called ‘Iggy’), and here he is being dressed for the occasion.
One groom – good to go!What a cool car eh!
Team groom arrive at Taitlands
And one of Josh and his other beloved!
I loved their little blackboard plan outside the Taitlands coach-house where the wedding was hosted.
On the ground floor, a tearoom by day, there were endless strings of photo-bunting from Josh & Laura’s time together, testament to the power of photography if you ask me. Upstairs, seats were set for the ceremony.
Loving the order of service.
The lady of the manor was helped into her gown
and netted in
Love it.
Team bride!
Love the dress & flora combos
Dad’s first glance at his daughter on her big day!
Getting ready, marrying and hosting a wedding reception all in one place makes for smooth logistics, especially at a late-ish 3pm ceremony.
Upstairs the room was ready and a surprisingly relaxed groom stood in wait.
Here comes the bride!
The vowsThe kiss and making things official
A quick shot of everyone
Then round to the terrace & lawn for fiz & Moscow Mules!
The wedding party
Crazy mates!
Then we nipped off around the grounds for a few relaxed portraits
I like this one.
We’d hooked up at Taitlands a month or so ago for a round of practice portraits (check out the blog post here) and having both familiarised myself with some nice spots for portraits, and getting Laura & Josh used to being papped made for fun portrait shoot.Aww
It seemed wrong not to get Iggy involved!
In the grand old manor house portico
…and a bit of fun round behind the pillars!
We caught this one just before going in for the wedding breakfast, in beautiful evening sunshine.
The upstairs room had been turned around and beautifully set for the hog roast!Tables were named after places Laura & Josh have visited…
The top table was named Binglindon Manor, and on asking it turns out it’s a place Josh imagined up as a child.
He’s apparently Lord of Binglindon Manor.
I like Josh.Speeches were hilarious…
…and the best man Carl, having been on the receiving end when Josh was his best man, printed up some impressive magazines featuring a whole host of embarrassing images of Josh!Laura & Josh!
As a beautiful day set into dusk…
…the cake was cut
!And while the room was turned around, guests mingled under the bunting downstairs
Then the happy couple skipped away to Madness’ ‘It Must Be Love’ for their first dance (a cracking choice, as everyone joined in for the chorus!)Then the party really got started – to the point that the floor was literally bouncing!
I love how – by chance – the lights on the roof on the long exposure above look like little music symbols!
We rarely see pretty much EVERYONE jump in to dance from the get go! But it was just another sign that it was the perfect day all round!
[By the way – the dance off between Josh and Carl in the bottom left was possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen]
So – here’s to Laura, Josh and their wonderful friends and family, who made us feel right at home and all made this day so wonderful.
I hope you guys have a cracking honeymoon and a brilliant life as the Lord and Lady of Binglingdon Manor.
x B&C x