Last week I ventured deep into the North Yorkshire Dales to meet a cool couple for wedding I’m shooting later this week.
They’re having their wedding at the fantastically Boutiquey Yorebridge House Hotel, Restaurant & Spa, in Wendsleydale.
It’s a class spot. AA Highly commended, 5 stars, two rosettes & a mysterious blue handbag award!
Here are the stars of the show – Chris & Chantelle!
Chris is a fan & legendary commenter on my photo blog & is well into photography himself.
So I felt the pressure was on to deliver some tasty pics!
I’ve a bit of a shoe fetish, and it seemed wrong not to take a photo of the ace footwear.
It’s always interesting seeing how a couple get on together in the context of being papped.
All the more so when they’ve no doubt seen a whole bunch of pre-weds flow through my blog and will have wondered how if feels to be on the wrong side of the glass!
From my point of view they were perfect together. Super chilled, chuckling away quietly while I stalked around being creative.
I saw a cool table acting as a big white reflector, so had C&C take a seat. The light bouncing up onto Chris looks ace, eh?
I liked how they were holding hands over the table and locked focus on Chantelle’s ring.
…and here’s the lovely Chantelle too.
I thought these guys’d like the flavour of a spot of ‘vintage’ processing on their pics.
Although I generally avoid processing like this on couple’s wedding images, as it could date badly, I personally love how it adds a bit of nostalgic charm.
I’m a sucker for tall grass, so next door we snuck into a field to roll about.
Ever done the buttercup test? When I was a kid, you’d hold it under someone’s chin and if it reflects yellow on your chin, you like butter!
This was another frame I liked
For me it’s all about having my couples relax enough for me to catch natural moments like this.
It also helps when they bring creative props!
I’m gonna be running the BAWP Photobooth at their evening reception & I believe they’ve some cool props lined up!
I love working with couples who are into photography & really want great images, because they really put the energy in and the pics are always great!
Watch this space for their On-The-Day slideshow later this week…