On Sunday The Wardrobe in Leeds asked me down to photograph upcoming Aussy folk duo Angus & Julia Stone playing downstairs.
I’ve loved the music from these two for a long time now, and although massive in Australia, they’re only just starting to break on the UK scene
In case you’re unsure why they’re called Angus & Julia Stone, this is Julia Stone…
…and this is Angus Stone. 😉
The lighting was a more of a challenge than usual, as the stage spots were rarely on and the stage was lit from behind by 3 granny lamps.
It can get a bit frustrating photographing live music when they insist on lighting a stage with candles and the like.
Until cameras can perform as well as the eye, I politely request that bands refrain from doing this!
Julia was one of those every-instrument-kind-of-girls
Angus, looking distinctly like a hobo lumberjack, had a dose of the flu and wasn’t singing as much as usual.
But his guitar work was ace.
Like I said – every instrument!
I rather like this one.
A bit of 50mm 1.6. It’s a magical combo.
Angus played a bit of trumpet on one of the encores,
It was ace to hear this folky brother & sister combo play the tracks I’ve listened to for so long.
If you’ve not heard their music, get their latest album Down The Way on your Christmas list, or check it out on their tunes here.