My ‘In Bruges Too‘ movie took me back to our weekend in Bruges and made me dust off a few RAWs. So here are a few views of that fair city…
Lovin’ the labrador watching the world go by out the canal-front window.
Bruges is such a great city for a long weekend, and so easy to get to from the UK via the Eurostar. We left London on the Friday morning and were there for a lunchtime waffle!
Completely by chance, in St. Pancras Eurostar station we bumped into two of my old uni hallmates, Claire & New Rob. I hadn’t seen them since 2003! They we’re off to Paris and Claire suggested we visit a restaurant on the canals called ‘Den Dyver‘. This was SUCH a good call! A spendy treat it was, but WOW and MMMMMmm! Following a cheeky champagne & hops liqueur aperitif, each of the three courses are very carefully paired with a Beligian Beer, and the formal but cool waiter (with that ace Flemish accent) told us all about their origin & reason for the Beer pairing. The food was divine. We real likes food! You can see Den Dyver about half way through the video I posted of the Bruges trip here.
So – here’s a behind the scenes shot Clare snapped of me filming Bruges on the ol’ 5DmkII.
This is the most photographed viewpoint of Bruges, and you can see why. I shot it three ways, this time just after our lovely dinner at Den Dyver…
The following morning, bright an’ early. Not often do I get up at dawn to take photos, and for good reason. Afterwards, I went straight back to bed!
And another still morning shot, a little more moody.
Which is your fave? 1,2 or 3? Comments below!
ps. for those of you who ain’t seen the real ‘In Bruges’ movie – get involved! Colin Farrel, Brendan Gleeson & Ralph Fiennes are all mint in this kooky black-comedy about dumb hitmen with a heart. It’s a whole £4 on Amazon here.