Shooting a few wedding portraits at Oakwell Hall last Saturday reminded me that a few weeks back I was there on social duties with our rescue dog Kyra for the Yorkshire Rose Dog Rescue charity ‘Doggie Fun Day’!
It’s one of their annual fundraisers where they let anyone bring their dog along for some doggie fun!
There are a whole load of dog activities, such as fastest retrieval, avoid temptation, an agility course, memory tests and other activities.
Some dogs are better at these tasks than others!
Times were kept
Here’s our little Kyra having a bash and generally being too fast for my autofocus!
It felt like competitive parents at sports day, and although she didn’t win, she put in a respectable sub 6 second retrieval time!
We got Kyra a year and a half ago from the YRDR and she’s been a little bundle of joy in our lives ever since.
As I’ve enjoyed dressing Kyra up as Star Wars characters and posting them on this blog, she’s featured in a good few YRDR newsletters!
See if you can spot Darth Kyra above!
If not, here’s a larger image!
It was nice to see a few of Kyra’s buddies & their butlers there too, including Merlot, who wasn’t quite so quick on the uptake on the fetch challenge, but seemed to enjoy himself immensely.
He wasn’t best impressed by the agility tunnel
Or the ‘Wall of flames’!
There were plenty of characters around, including this little Staff who’s got bow legs, so gets chauffeured around in a pram!
Another dog rescuing pal of ours (and fellow colleague in the wedding world) was there, the lovely Fiona of Firenza Floral Design – if you’re getting married and haven’t yet sorted your flora, SEE THIS LADY!  She rocks.
Chris & Chantelle, a couple whose most excellent wedding I had the good fortune to photograph last year (blog here) were there too with their lovely little dachshund Luna!I spotted this chap cooling off under a wet towel and couldn’t help but say ‘Colonel Dogaffi’!
At least Kyra thought it was funny…
If you or any of your buddies are considering getting a dog, do check out the dogs needing a home on the Yorkshire Rose Dog Rescue site.  There are always so many lovely dogs on their site, so many of them loveable staffies like Kyra, and it’s so rewarding to give a forever home to a dog needing one.  Plus, if you choose carefully, you won’t have to do the training!
If you’re simply feeling generous, do donate to the YRDR on their just giving page here.
Cheers for reading!