So! A few weeks back I was lucky enough to join Sarah & Adam for their wedding around Brighouse. I used to work with Sarah at The Leeds Guide Magazine once upon a time and she was so organised that she’d actually booked me to photograph her wedding before Adam had proposed to her!
We joined up with Sarah & the gang for morning preps at Sarah & Adam’s house. Sarah’s Bridesmaid was doing her make up when I rolled in. Check her out, already looking gorgeous!
It’s a mysterious art-form, applying this warpaint.
Clare caught this one of her Bridesmaid having her curls put in. I love this shot! Clare’s obviously been listening to my lessons – focus on the eyes! Pin sharp.
I spotted this flowery wallpaper and radiator cover, so here’s one for the shoe fetishists…
Sarah’d come down to have her veil put in and Dad was watching from the door. It was a special moment, perhaps with her life flashing before his eyes.
Sarah, shortly after climbing into her dress and getting her bum groped by two girls.
Sarah’d booked the Merc they used in the Sex In The City film…Â Not short on modern conveniences inside, let me tell thee.
While Mum & the girls we’re being chauffeured over, Dad & Sarah had a moment outside.
Here comes the bride >
Tasty flora!
My blogs are generally a touch on the L O N G side, so to give your broadband a break you have to click ‘more’ below to see the rest.
Another one of Clare’s shots below, as Sarah turned into the church. I love the backlit silhouette .
Inside the Central Methodist Church, Brighouse
After the ceremony we caught this sequence of Adam’s proud, teary mum.
Outside the church – SUNSHINE! Yey.
“Throw it up in the air, don’t smash it in their face”
In the car, putting back a strategic banana each to stop themselves getting wasted on empty stomaches! Good thinking kids.
All of a suddern the heavens looked like they might be about to open, so we ducked over the road from the Brighouse Holiday Inn to this cool overgrown field we’d found on the pre-wed. Turned out it was the edge of a paintball forest and we could hear the warfare going on closer than might’ve been nice. Fortunately no stray pellets flew our way.
Note impending rainstorm!
I try to do something interesting with the rings everytime, and have a few cool options for their album, but this one on the kerb with double yellows in the back appeals to me.
Spent a little while roaming with the nifty 50mm set to stun (read f1.4) and caught these guests candids.
There was a bit of a lull after dinner so I joined Adam’s mum & pals for a bit and we had a lovely natter. She and Handlebar (a former marine) were well cool.
Her pal had brought party smokes to match their outfits! I remember these from when I was a reprobate teenager.
And in usual tradition – here’s the Random 40 Gallery, featuring various other images that caught my eye during the day…
[svgallery name=”WSarahAdam”]
They’d booked a lady called Caroline Silvers sing the first dance and fire up the party and MAN did she have a set of pipes! She was seriously amazing – especially if you like your rock soft and from the 80’s. She’d been on ‘Stars In Their Eyes‘ on ITV once. It was a cool touch.
See the kids (old & young) party.
As often is the case, I really enjoyed the day and felt part of the day. Sarah, Adam & their respective party people all made us feel welcome and we had a ball. I believe they’ve been bouncing around the states on their honeymoon and are coming home on Saturday. They should hopfully find a freshly pressed DVD of picture fun from me on their doorstep when they get home, and hopefully they’ll enjoy reliving their day through our eyes!
nb: Sarah & Adam’s top 150 images + pre-wedding shots are up in a client gallery of If you were at the wedding and would like to see their photos, drop them an email for the password or email me with their surnames and I’ll let you know know the login.