Some like it hot!
I take very little heed of weather forecasts, especially the 5 day forcast. It’s an educated guess and I’ve rarely seen it be right. But I do like to check the ‘Next 24 Hours’ bit before setting out, to see ...
I take very little heed of weather forecasts, especially the 5 day forcast. It’s an educated guess and I’ve rarely seen it be right. But I do like to check the ‘Next 24 Hours’ bit before setting out, to see ...
I saw this while I was out with my camera and it caught my eye. Something inside of me always wants to know what’s left and why we’re being told to go right. No doubt it’s for our own good (turning into oncoming ...
You may know I shoot a lot of music with Phil Barber for The Sound Gallery in and around the North of England. I also help run an acoustic night called The Sunday Service down in Verve Bar’s cellars on the last Sunday of every month. ...
My first photo at my last wedding made me smile… I bet some people wish they could wear one of those round their necks when I’m sneaking about like a photo-ninja!
The Leeds International Swimming Pool facility closed in October 2007 and is scheduled for demolition in June this year. A gifted photographer and friend, James Lester, likes to go ‘Urban Exploring’ and I decided to join ...
I was lucky enough to be asked to Ireland recently to hang out with and photograph a band I’m really good friends with [in fact I used to play bass in this band once upon a time]. They booked Clare & I a flight and off we ...
A few friends and I host an acoustic band night at Verve bar called The Sunday Service where we round up and serve what we think are is Leeds’s musical cream. It’s only once a month and therefore not too stressful always ...
I did this food shot for a Chef Special feature for the Leeds Guide Magazine while I was shooting their features recently. It reminded me what a challenge it is to make food look appetising. This shot was taken in a catering unit in ...
As you may know, I share the duties with a fellow wedding photographer Tom Arber photographing features for the Leeds Guide Magazine. Every month we get a brief to photograph people, food, products, buildings inside and out & a ...
A cool childhood pal of mine called Isobell disappeared off the radar for a bit last year, and all of a sudden she pops back up with a baby!! Er, hello?! More than a little surprised was I! After dropping congratulations I was asked ...
Just thought I’d post a few images from another interesting couple of day’s shooting for the Leeds Guide. I’m really pleased with the food shot above at the tasty Bar 166 in Horsforth, lit with window light and a ...
This month I had the good fortune to photograph The Dagger Dames ‘burlesque troop’ at the excellent Shakey Jakes Milkshake Bar in Headingley! When I saw that on the brief an eyebrow involuntarily curled. These things are ...
Like what you see? I'd love to be at your wedding!