You may know that last year Rob Booker & Phil Barber joined forces to create 3B Media, a lens-based media training company.
We’ve been dreaming big for the future, and are excited to announce a whole list of training workshops for amateurs & aspiring professionals.
Check out our 2011 curriculum here.
The wedding, portraits and flash workshops we’ve run so far have generally been full-day mid-week courses for aspiring professionals. Yet, we often get amateur enthusiasts contacting us about the best SLR to buy or asking if we run basic courses on how to get the most out of their digital SLRs.
So we’ve created a ‘Get to know your Digital SLR’ workshop:
The title may not be so catchy, but it does what it says on the tin!
It’s a 3-hr evening class (6.30>9:30pm) for DSLR/prosumer camera owners looking to get their skills together and become better photographers.
We’re running evening workshops suitable for all, throughout the year; including 15th March, 21st April, 10th May and 21st September.
We’ll be covering aperture, shutter speeds, ISO, composition, lenses, focusing and lots of other tech stuff but without all the tech language.
It’s going to be a lot of fun, with Phil, Rob & myself (all pro photographers) there to answer all your questions (even the silly ones)!
For online booking and all the information you need, head to the 3B Media site at:
Hopefully see you there!