Yesterday I posted stills I shot in Marrakesh on my new toy, the Canon IXUS 1000HS.  Well as well as tasty 10 megapixel JPEGs (sadly there’s no RAW functionality in the IXUS ‘fun’ line-up), this little player has been specifically designed with HD video in mind. 

Check out the 16:9 format screen & dedicated record button for starters.

But unlike many other compacts, it also shoots full 1080p HD footage.  This was one of the features that floated my boat, as it can be a bit of a pain having to go through the whole 5DmkII workflow for a quick behind-the-scenes video.  Plus, the image stabiliser on this puppy is impressively steady in video mode.  Another fun video feature is the 320p super-slow-mo footage you can shoot too.  Bascically, normal video shoots between 24>30 images per second, and super slow mo shoots 240 per second, so it’s impressively slow (post featuring fire & fireworks from Nov. 5th on that soon!).

I highlighted how cool the tilt-shift ‘Miniature Mode’ stills were yesterday, and love that toy town look.

I loved the tilt-shift style video by Sam O’Hare made of New York (see my blog about it here), and was impressed to see the IXUS 1000HS can apply the same tilt-shift functionality to HD video (though sadly only in 720p, not full 1080p HD – due probably to the increased in camera processing).  Not only that, but you’re also able to how timelapsey it is (from 5, 10 & 20 second timelapse delays).  I loved the look of the 5 second footage & have chopped a little Marrakesh highlights video to a Moroccany sounding tune called ‘Distant Lands’ by Armen Chakmakian (on the a Buddha Bar compo and available here).


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