Note: This is one of a series of blogs I’m posting while I’m in Kenya & Uganda shooting a month’s charity photography for Link International, documenting the delivery of vehicles from Kenya to Uganda.
We arrived at the Kenya / Uganda border early doors, as it’s not only notoriously slow, but we were attempting to import vehicles.
Once gav had finally dodged a potential £1500 fine for not stopping our vehicles at every Kenyan police checkpoint (even though we were never told to do so), our passports received exit stamps, we switched up Kenyan to Ugandan Shillings and crossed the bridge into Uganda.  That took about 3hrs.
Then we waited.
The Ugandan officials triple checked our engine serials matched the 7 forms.
We waited some more.
While Gav relayed back and forth across the bridge to get the Kenyan officials to stamp his forms differently, we waited a bit more.
We took a stroll into the border town in search of tuna and fanta.
And came back with a new beer! Â Ugandan Nile Special!
We found some new drivers!
A new football squad appeared.
Yet more time passed as Gav shuttled yet more, refusing to leave the irate Kenyan boss’s office till he got the stamp he’d promised.
Finally, 12 hours, lots of tuna sarnies & football matches later, we rolled out, only to find we had three more border checkpoints to stop at and it was pitch when we set off down the famously dangerous Jinja road into Uganda.
Tomorrow at 9: Kampala bound!