Hunslet Mill [Urban Exploration]

So I got up to a little michief again recently doing a bit of Urban Exploration with my pal James Lester. He know’s some ace spots of hidden Leeds. We started around a new flyover in industrial Hunslet, and saw this funky old ...

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All sorts, coming soon…

Hola chicos! It’s all systems go here at BAWP HQ, and I wouldn’t want to leave the fans wanting, so I thought I’d drop these teasers of recent work in progress… I’m a day or two off finishing the ...

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Little Sophie-Alice

A cool childhood pal of mine called Isobell disappeared off the radar for a bit last year, and all of a sudden she pops back up with a baby!!  Er, hello?!  More than a little surprised was I!  After dropping congratulations I was asked ...

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